Wednesday, July 28, 2010

4 days out

Last night I was on the lake again for a mile and half swim. I continue to believe in myself and hope for the best this Sunday. I've done the work. 70 min run on Sunday. Chest/core conditioning/45 min bike ride on Monday. Tonight I worked back and abs. The rest of the week will be light workouts.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Tried my wetsuit out for the first time this morning on the lake. It couldn't have gone any better and has given me the confidence going into the race next weekend. Matt from Fuel accompanied me in his kayak just in case I needed some assistance during the open water swim. I put in a total of 1800 meters give or take for this session. Wednesday worked on leg strengthening and core conditioning. Thursday in the pool for 1000 meters plus 800 meters. Believe I have resolved my motion sickness with a little dramamine. Friday lifted arms/abs and 60 min on the stationary bike.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I think I can

Tonight in the pool something clicked and I just started swimming lap after lap. I swam 1000 meters followed by 500 meters with a good deal of confidence. I'm starting to think I can swim this mile all freestyle. Still experienced a feeling of motion sickness which is caused from my repeated head movement. Not sure what to do about that issue. Sunday was my longest run of 70 min bringing me in at about 8 miles. Monday consisted of chest and 30 min bike ride.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Increased appetite

I'm finding myself up at night trying to satisfy hunger pains. Seems like I can't eat enough to refuel my body. Trying to bring up my carb intake. Today I worked shoulders along with a 30 min bike ride. Wednesday leg strength training and 1 hr in the pool. Felt tired swimming laps but no motion sickness. Thursday arms and 35 min run. Friday I took the night off to enjoy the serenity of Cedar Ridge Vineyard with my colleagues from Fuel. That environment is always a surreal experience.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Motion sickness

Experienced motion sickness during my 600 meter swim Monday. Pushed thru another 300 meters and called it a night. Felt extremely nauseous with migraine. This was the first time I wore a swim cap and have a feeling I trapped water in my ears causing the sickness. I will find out if that is the case Wednesday. Tonight I worked back and rode stationary bike for an hour. Sunday I ran 7 miles to account for last weeks long run.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Beginning is a third of the work

My daughter started training for her 5k run. Together we matched strides and put up with the hot weather. It was short but sweet jaunt. I am proud of her determination and courage. Thursday I worked shoulders/core and ran for 35 min. Toured the countryside for an hour on my bike and lifted arms/abs to end my Friday.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

1200 meters

Dealing with the fact that freestyling the whole mile isn't going to happen by the end of this month. I am adapting with anything that will keep me moving forward to reach that distance. It's about survival. Tonight my pool workout consisted of 1 x 400, 1 x 200, 4 x 100, 4 x 50. Tuesday I worked on back and core conditioning.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 51

Today my daughter joined me for my morning workout at the gym. She has taken great interest in my training. It has encouraged her to start running. Together I hope to enter us in a 5k before the end of summer. I believe this can be empowering for her. Two part workout today consisting of 35 min swim in the a.m. and chest/70 min bike ride in the p.m.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Running means to me

Long run today. I draw inward and block the world for a determined amount of time. It's about focus and refocus of pace. Managing discomfort while never giving in to the relief of stopping. Amidst all I escape from the bustle and find a clarity in my mind. I am reset.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

1 month to go

I am determined to stay the course and elevate my training. August is just around the corner. Going in I want to feel completely confident in all disciplines of this event. Felt pretty good about this weeks work. Long swim/legs/core workout on Wednesday. Thursday consisted of shoulders/abs/short run. Tonight I started with arms/core and ended with a 70 min bike ride.