Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Plan B

From the start, I assumed time and laps in the pool would help me reach my goal. 4 weeks in and progress has been minimal. How can I seriously improve with 6 weeks left? Plan B - Total Immersion Swimming or TI. The following is the TI philosophy:

Transform Your Technique

Traditional instruction focuses on pulling, kicking and endless laps. TI teaches you to swim with the effortless grace of fish by becoming one with the water. TI emphasizes the same patient precision and refinement taught by martial arts masters. We start with simple skills and movements and progress by small, easily-mastered steps. Our students thrive on the attention to detail and the logical sequence of progressive skills.

Transform Your Experience
Swimmers come to us with the goal of swimming faster. They quickly learn that it’s far more beneficial and satisfying to swim with grace, flow, and economy…and that speed will surely follow when they master ease. You’ll feel the difference from your very first lap of intelligent, purposeful TI practice and get more satisfaction from every lap that follows.

Transform Yourself
TI, alone among all swimming-improvement programs, teaches swimming as a practice — in the same mindful spirit as yoga or tai chi. Our students tell us that by swimming the TI way they sharpen the mind-body connection and achieve heightened self-awareness and self-mastery, leading to greater physical and mental well-being.

Tonight I spent 50 min utilizing TI techniques which helped me understand how effecient I can be in the water. I will continue to implement these practices in hope of reaching my goal. Finished my workout with leg strengthening. Tuesday was dedicated to back and core training.

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